Recovery Manager

Recover losses and get your money back, faster

Why choose Recovery Manager?

How much does it cost your business each year to write off smaller claims amounts that you can’t recover from the other side? Each claim may be small on its own, but multiply that by hundreds or thousands, and the amount quickly adds up. And your profits take a hit.

Recovery Manager is the answer to boosting your bottom line. It makes it more efficient and cost-effective to recover what you’re owed by automating the recovery process.

What does Recovery Manager do?

Become the claimant

Recovery Manager flips the process on its head, allowing your handlers to initiate proceedings – not respond to them. And, because there are no lawyers involved, it all happens at a fraction of the usual cost, which makes it a viable option to collect smaller amounts.

Recovery Manager guides your handlers through the process of filling out the right documents, including a claim form, a schedule of loss, and the particulars of claim. These are then sent to the other side to respond to.

It’s ideal for any insurer or third party administrator (TPA) that wants to cut the cost of the recovery process, and avoid writing off smaller claim amounts.


How does Recovery Manager work?

Your handlers log in to Kennedys IQ Platform and Recovery Manager will guide them through the process of filling in the correct documents and templates. It will then send these documents to the other insurer. There’s minimal need for training, and we’ve designed the system to be used by people with little experience of claims.

The other side can then decide to pay – or submit a defence, at which point Recovery Manager will advise you to instruct a lawyer.

If there’s no response, the claim goes to court for a default judgement.

IQ Platform

Our AI and machine learning technology. One single platform with multiple features to support the claims process.

Portal Manager

Get a clear picture of what the MoJ portal can tell you about your business
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Incident Manager

Create an immediate, accurate picture – with real-time incident support
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Recovery Manager

Recover losses and get your money back, faster
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Defence Lawyer

Manage the early stages of litigation, without lawyers
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Fraud Detector

Use live data to pinpoint and prevent fraudulent claims
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Resolve disputes online. Quickly, confidentially, at a lower cost
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Explore features of our IQ Platform

Incident Manager

Portal Manager


Fraud Detector

Defence Lawyer

Defence Lawyer

Recovery Manager

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